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The seventh crystal Expo: sounded the transformation and upgrading of Pujiang assembly
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Jinhua news network November 2nd News - reporter Zhou Langming reported group of Hong Jianjian

This morning, the opening of the 2015 Pujiang - China Crystal Glass Industry Expo seventh. As the Jinhua municipal Party committee secretary Xu Jiaai said, for the first time in 5 years to hold that Pujiang Expo crystal, crystal industry stand in a new starting point, sounded the Pujiang economic transformation and upgrading of the assembly and the charge.

Pujiang is the world's largest crystal glass industry base, the distribution of raw materials and equipment and equipment R & D and manufacturing base, crystal products accounted for more than 70% of the national market, is worthy of the name of China's crystal glass capital". The 2013 start of the industry to improve regulation, Pujiang crystal emerged way m.c.chaton, Xingbi crystal, Howard technology, East state crystal and a number of advanced enterprises. Way m.c.chaton breaks through the bottleneck of Pujiang crystal materials and China heteronomy, building materials science research institute with painstaking research of new products for 5 years, successfully developed artificial gem: DNT stone, leading technology in Europe and the United States, has declared 7 patents. Star Crystal to the original crystal crafts to expand the precious glass crafts, one will be able to sell 120 thousand yuan. Howard process rely on only 1.8 acres of land, tax about 4000000 yuan last year, this year successfully open the European market.  East state crystal in Italy, France, Spain, South Korea has its own agents, its products become Prada, LV and other luxury decorations.

Xu Jiaai pointed out in his speech, sparkling crystal, has brought vitality to the development of Pujiang, has brought wealth to the people of Pujiang, but also because of the extensive mode of production, but also to Pujiang brought environmental pollution, ecological damage and health hazards. Since 2013, Pujiang county Party committee and government to seriously implement the provincial government to catch flood promoting the transformation of the decision to deploy, lead and mobilize the people of the county to act quickly, ton output capacity determination, guagu courage, to promote a strong crystal industry regulation, efforts to eliminate backward production capacity, upgrade the industry level, in exchange for the beautiful scenery. 4 now a total investment of 1 billion 930 million yuan, covers an area of 800 acres of the park gathering, step by step is put into use; 90% of the county to reduce the crystal processing subject, but this year 1 to September to achieve the output growth of 24%; Pujiang catch flood promoting transformation to become the Province's model, by provincial government fully affirmed, the enthusiasm of the people to get points zambia.

Xu Jiaai pointed out that the party just concluded in the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, depicts a beautiful blueprint for China's development in the next five years, the completion of a comprehensive well-off society goal of inspiring, innovation, harmony, green, open and shared development concept deeply rooted. The city should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping in the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and a series of important speeches of the party, to lay the transformation and upgrading of series of combination punches, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, accelerate the upgrading of traditional industries and emerging industries to grow out of a broad road, exploring the beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan.

Xu Jiaai stressed that in the face of "after the flood era, Pujiang to force global vision, world vision, fine idea, strategy, firmly grasp and promote the transformation of water, resolutely bid farewell to the" small "industries, ashes, Phoenix, will usher in sunny days; there must be" who dares with me commander "and" personal "lofty ideals and high aspirations of responsibility, vigorously implement the innovation driven development strategy, firmly embrace the" sophisticated ", in philosophy, talent, technology and equipment to the world first-class level, in high-end manufacturing crystal glass products, learn advanced advanced to catch up, to become the industry" goers "should follow the market economy; law and justice to the world, with good money drives out bad money, keep the market, to seize the market, enhance the market, let the crystal industry become more beautiful and bright shine.

The exposition by Chinese International Trade Promotion Association, China Daily Glass Co sponsored by the Committee of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province Economic and Information Technology Commission, Pujiang County People's Government hosted the main venue located in the central crystal agglomeration park. Tao Xiaonian, vice chairman of China Light Industry Federation, China Daily Glass Association chairman Meng Lingyan attended the opening ceremony. The Expo has both crystal and glass products exhibition and processing The brightness dazzles the eyes., brilliant technology contest.